Work: Provincial/Federal
We collaborate to create buildings for Federal and Provincial governments that exemplify the ethics and values of Canada. Through our hallmark integrated and collaborative process, our LEED®-accredited team ensures that each project goes above and beyond established performance requirements and meets recognized sustainable building standards. Through our extensive visualization and integration process, our highly technical and innovative designs, which include provincial and federal government offices, labs, and research facilities, stay on budget and on schedule. The Greenstone Government of Canada Building in Yellowknife has been recognized by the RAIC’s Innovation Award and the Yukon Visitor Centre was awarded a Governor General’s Medal for Excellence.

Lubicon Lake Band - Community Infrastructure
Lubicon Lake Band #453

High River Community Resource Centre
Alberta Infrastructure

Yellowknife GNWT Office (Tatsaotı̨̀ne Building)
Government of the Northwest Territories / Clark Builders

Canadian High Arctic Research Station Design Proposal
Public Works and Government Services Canada and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)

Greenstone Government of Canada Building
Public Works and Government Services of Canada

Boreal Centre for Bird Conservation
Alberta Infrastructure

Athabasca Health - Yutthé Dene Nakohodî
Athabasca Regional Health Authority / Saskatchewan Health

Yukon Visitor's Centre/Museum of the Beringia
Yukon Government